thompson     Thompson Village sign

A Breckland Village


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Welcome to Thompson Village Website

This a community website and we welcome contributions.  Do you have a  good Thompson photo you would like to share?  Do you want to advertise a local event?  Contact us and we will give your news front page space. 

Last updated: 10 February 2025

Breckland Local Plan

On 13th May 2024 Breckland published a draft of the preferred options for the forthcoming Local Plan and there will be additional public consultation events in Dereham and Attleborough as well as virtual events, these are listed below. Active links to all the events can be found below.

To view the updated draft of the plan, click on the link

Link to draft Local Plan

In addition, the Breckland website mentions that there will be displays at Elizabeth House Dereham and in the libraries of Attleborough, Swaffham, Tetford and Watton from 3rd June 2024.


Breckland Local Plan

Please see the following important message from Thompson Parish Council regarding the forthcoming Brecklamd Local Plan which makes proposals affecting our village until 2046.

The Council writes:

Consultation relating to the Breckland Local Plan

Breckland District Council is holding a series of consultations to inform its preparation of the next Breckland Local Plan.  This document will set out the policy and parameters for planning in Breckland over the next 15 years, against which planning applications will be evaluated. It will also set out the target allocations of new houses to be built in the towns and villages in the district.

 It is important for the people of Thompson to understand what is being proposed and express their views, whether in favour or in objection.  There have been a series of meetings for town and parish councillors and there will now be two meetings which members of the public can attend, details of which are below.

·                    Thursday 1st February, 10am-1pm – Attleborough        Charter Market (in front of the Town Hall), Queens Square, Attleborough 

·                    Tuesday 6th February, 10am-1pm – Dereham Market, Market Place, Dereham

The following websites will provide a background to the matters which will be discussed at the meetings.  These can be found on the following links:


Breckland Council Call for sites 2022 Thompson document

We will hold a village meeting in Thompson Community Hall to discuss these proposals on Thursday February 15th, starting at 7:30 pm, to which all are invited.

Please do take this opportunity to have your say in what is proposed for our village in the years up to 2046.

Breckland Local Plan

Breckland District Council is updating the Local Plan. This plan will determine growth and development in the district for the next 25 years. It will help ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our communities. A series of local consultation events have been organised during September 2023 and October 2023. Click the link below for the dates and venues of the event so that you may comment on the plan.

Breckland local plan events


Thompson 10km run and

5km fun run

The annual Thompson 10km and the 5km fun run were held on Sunday 17th September 2023 in aid of funds for the upkeep and maintenance of the Thompson Millennium Green. A full list of finishing times for both races can be found by clicking the link below.

Thanks go to all the organisers and helpers of this successful event.

Race results



Our much-loved village sign is now beyond repair, having been with us for over 40 years.


If you would like to be among those deciding what the new sign should look like and from what it should be made then please contact Kim Austin (our Parish Clerk), on 07811 287071 or mail to let us know.  We aim to meet as soon as possible to get this underway. 

Woodland Trust - Green Farm

The Woodland Trust have for the last 2 days held a local event in Thompson Community Hall to advertise their future plans for Green Farm. Should you have missed the event a copy of the design plan can be viewed by clicking on the following link

Green Farm Woodland Design Plan

In addition they are inviting you to take part in a survey and leave your comments, part way through the survey it is possible to see the design plan with additional details.  To view/take the survey click the link below or use the QR code:


Scam Awareness

The Norfolk Against Scams Partnership have issue information that may be of help to you.  To see the information please follw the link below.

Link to NASP Scam Information

The Next Parish Council Meeting

Please note that the date of the next Parish Council Meeting is on 21 March 2023 and not on the date published in the Waylander.  The meeting will commence at 7:30.

Important announcement  about the May 2023 elections

Photo ID will be needed to vote in May elections

For the first time, residents in England will need to show photographic ID at polling stations to vote at this year’s local elections. Breckland Council is urging residents to make sure they are ready to vote in the upcoming local government elections in May by checking they have an accepted form of ID.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form.

The full list of accepted ID is available on the Electoral Commission’s website, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for the free ID, at

Ailsa Irvine, Director of Electoral Administration and Guidance, said:

“Anyone voting at a polling station in England this May will need to show photo ID before they can be given their ballot paper. It’s important that everyone understands what types of ID they can use, and how to apply for free ID if they need it. You can find information about the new requirement and what to expect at the polling station on the Electoral Commission’s website.”

Maxine O’Mahony, Returning Officer at Breckland Council said:

“With elections taking place in Breckland on 4 May 2023, it is important that those who want to vote make sure they have an accepted form of ID. It may seem early but checking now means you will be ready to vote in May.”

Residents who do not have one of the accepted forms of ID can apply for free ID either online or by completing a paper application form and sending this to Breckland Council’s electoral services team. If you need any help with applying for the free ID or want to request an application form, contact the electoral services team via  or call 01362 656 870

Anyone who wants to have their say in the elections this May must also be registered to vote. If you haven’t previously registered, it only takes five minutes to register online at Voters wishing to apply to their council for free ID should first make sure they are registered to vote.

The requirement to show photo ID at the polling station, is a new requirement, introduced by the UK Government’s Elections Act which was passed last year and comes into effect for the first time this May. 


Struggling to find work?

Perhaps The Chances Organisation can help you.

The Chances project can help if you are struggling to get into work.

We work with you to overcome the challenges that are stopping you from working.

What Chances does

The Chances team offer 1:1 guidance to help you:

·         Search and prepare for a job

·         Improve your skills – eg through training or education

·         Get into work if you have health issues – eg help you access services

·         Overcome practical issues – eg finding transport, route planning and childcare

·         Improve your wellbeing through sport and other activities

Your 1:1 adviser will support you throughout the process. Together, you will agree milestones so you can see your progress.

Who it's for

To receive support, you must meet all the following criteria:

·         Currently unemployed or unable to go into work (eg because of health reasons etc)

·         Aged 18 or over (we consider people over 16 in exceptional circumstances)

·         Live in Norfolk

·         Have the legal right to live and work in the UK

·         Motivated to move forwards and make life changes

Volunteers needed for

the Warmer Spaces Project in


Volunteers, who would be willing to help with the Warmer Spaces Project in Thompson, are needed. 

Thompson Community Hall will open for two days per week throughout  January, February and March 2023 from 10am and 3pm to provide a space where people can safely come to keep warm.  Hot drinks and a simple lunch will be provided.  The days of opening are yet to be decided.

If you would like more information or to volunteer please email:


Thompson Parish Council Vacancy

Following a second resignation Thompson Parish Council has a vacancy for a second Parish Councillor.  If you are interested in filling either vacancy please apply in writing to the Breckland Council Returning Officer.  Details of the whom may be found on the following links below:

Thompson Parish Council

Notice of vacancy in the office of Parish Council

Thompson Parish Council Vacancy

Following a resignation Thompson Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.  If you are interested in filling this vacancy please apply in writing to the Breckland Council Returning Officer.  Details of the whom may be found on the following link:

Thompson Parish Council

Notice of vacancy in the office of Parish Council

Worried about paying monthly bills

Norfolk ALC has put together the a useful document which can be viewed by clinking on the link below

Are you worried about paying monthly bills?

Resumed Public Local Inquiry

The Public Inquiry postponed from 22 February will now start on the above date, lasting up to 3 days.  This relates to a right of way from the western end of Pockthorpe Lane to Sparrow Hill.

 Unlike the earlier arrangements, there will not be an option to attend the Inquiry virtually.

Anyone wishing to bring forward additional information must take it to the Inquiry and ask the Inspector if she will allow it.  Anyone wishing to speak must inform the Inspector at the start of the day. Please clink on the link to see a copy of the official notice.

Notice of Public Local Inquiry


Public Local Inquiry  


The above mentioned and much postponed Public Local Inquiry is scheduled to commence on 15th November 2022 at Thompson Community Hall. Details have not yet been finalised but will be published as soon as they bewcom available.


Avian Influenza update

Since the introduction of the regional Avian Influenza Prevention Zone further outbreaks have occurred and as a result from 12 October 2022 mandatory housing measures for all poultry and captive birds have been introduced for Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex.

The outbreaks are now closer to Thompson which was already in a 10km surveillance zone, parts of Thompson are now in a 3km protection zone. Latest details/guidance can be found on the on the Government website.

Link to Government Avian Influenza Guidance

Link to the APHA interactive map

Norfolk County Council Bird Flu advice

Norfolk County Council Bird Flu Notification poster

HM Government Bird Flu advice


Thompson 10km Run 2022

The annual Thompson 10km run was held on Sunday 02 October 2022. Follow the links for results and photos of the event.






Declaration of a regional Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (England – Suffolk, Norfolk and parts of Essex)


In order to reduce the transmission of Avian Influenza to poultry and other captive birds the Secretary of State has declared Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex to be in an avian Influenza Prevention Zone.


The order can be viewed by following the following link:


Avian Influenza Protection Zone


Seemingly there is no current requirement to keep bird indoors but if you keep poultry or other captive birds the minimum requirement appears to be that they should be kept enclosed or fenced in.


Further restrictions: If you view the interactive map which can be found in Annex 3 of the above link you will see that in addition to being in the prevention zone Thompson falls within the surveillance area of the two Attleborough outbreaks with more stringent safety requirements. To see these requirements please follow the link below and see Annex 2 which starts on page 9:


Avian Influenza surveillance zone requirements


Extreme weather conditions

We are once again experiencing extreme weather conditions, currently in the form of a drought. Should this be followed by very heavy rain there is a fear that the parched ground will not easily absorb very heavy rainfall, increasing the chance of flooding in the village.

Recently all properties in the village have received a booklet giving useful information and contacts to assist in the event of flooding occurring in the village.  Should you no longer have this useful leaflet or access to it, please follow the following link to view, print or download it.

 Flooding leaflet

In addition, you are reminded that there is a supply of sandbags available in the village for use in flood conditions, these may be collected from Thompson Community Hall Car Park.

It is also worth mentioning that during this current dry weather the Management Committee of Thompson Millennium Green Charitable Trust have requested, for the safety of the village that barbeques and naked flames not be used on the Millennium Green and additionally, that smokers exercise extreme care when disposing of or extinguishing cigarette ends.

Reclaim the Rain inititive

Thompson is one of 6 communities in Norfolk and Suffolk  chosen to take paret in the reclaim the rain inititive.  It is looking for input of local knowledge to tackle the problems of flooding and water shortage with a view to reuse excess rainwater before it comes a flood problem and to help us prepare and adapt to the future.

For more details follow the link below.

Reclaim the rain

Stanta battle area tour

The Breckland Local Group of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust are organising a coach tour of Stanta Battle Area.  The trip is on 29th June 2022 leaving from Queens Road car park at 2.15.  The cost is £12.00 payable on the day.  These trips are always well subscribed and if you are interested in being part of the visit we suggest that you contact the person shown on the notice which may be accessed by following the link below.

Link to Stant trip details

Road Closure Notice

Norfolk County Council have issued for Thompson an Emergency Notice detailing a temporary traffic restriction under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for 21 days during the period 25th May 2022 to 14th June 2022 for repairs to the bridge and abutment at Church Farm/Stow Bedon Road.  A map accompanies the notice, both may be viewed by following the link below. So why not spend an hour or so trying to understand the details. 

Road closure Notice and map

Public Local Inquiry postponed due to unforeseen circumstance


 The inquiry into the above Order is due to open on Tuesday 22 February 2022 but due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances, the Inspector has concluded that, the proceedings will have to be adjourned so as to ensure fairness to all parties.

Consequently, the Inspector will open the inquiry at 10am on 22 February but will immediately adjourn the proceedings until a date to be arranged.  This is likely to be in late September 2022 or early October 2022  

Public Local Inquiry commencing 10.00am Tuesday 22 February 2022

A public local inquiry will be held at Thompson Community Hall, School Road, Thompson, Norfolk IP24 1PY on Tuesday 22 February 2022 commencing at 10.00am.  The appointed inspector will also open the public inquiry as a virtual event also on 22 February 2022 at 10.00am using Microsoft teams. The inquiry is for consideration of an order under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Norfolk County Council) - Norfolk County Council (Thompson, Pockthorpe Lane) Modification Order 2018

For further information about this public local inquiry and how to attend it please follow the link below:

Flooding Information

The Norfolk Stategic Flood Alliance and Norfolk County Council have produced two useful leaflets/booklets entitled "Be prepared for Flooding" which give advice about about being prepared for flooding and useful contacts and links.

To see these leaflets please follow the links below:-

Be prepared for flooding


One-number leaflet